Universiteit Utrecht

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Utrecht University incorporated the Pharmacy Game in 2004 in the pharmacy curricula. It started as a standalone course in year 3 of the master’s programme to prepare the students for their final internship. As of 2016, the course is part of the year 1 programme as preparation for the first internship in a community pharmacy.
The course Pharmacy practice (Pharmacy Game) is organised 4 times a year in duration of 25 days. Each course includes 30-48 students, divided to manage 5-7 pharmacies. The main learning goals are processing prescriptions and adequately carrying out medication monitoring, delivering medicines based on the clinical situation, current guidelines, and current evidence, and to conduct consultations in a patient-oriented manner. In addition, attention is paid to acquiring collaboration and organisational skills.
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Spelenderwijs leren: Nederlandse apotheekgame verovert de wereld
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