Leiden University

Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is the oldest university in the Netherlands. Leiden University is an internationally operating research-driven university with a wide range of academic disciplines and degree programs. As such, Leiden University is among the top 100 universities in four prominent international rankings.

For more info visit the official web page of Leiden University: www.universiteitleiden.nl.

The Master of Pharmacy at Leiden University started to use the Pharmacy Game, GIMMICS®, in 2022. To this, the game is used to facilitate students in independently running a pharmacy of their vision on pharmaceutical care, organization of processes, leadership of their pharmacy team and multiprofessional collaboration. First and second year master students will play the game once a year during 8 weeks each. Content of the game will be adapted to offer an alternative to internships at outpatient pharmacies.

Publications, news and videos

Spelenderwijs leren: Nederlandse apotheekgame verovert de wereld
Tanja Fens, Claudia Dantuma-Wering, Katja Taxis, Lenneke Minjon, Carline Versteeg, Marianne Verdel, Mandy Crommentuijn-van Rhenen, Elly Zon en Cindy Roelen-Warmendam(2024)
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9713 AV Groningen