Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

The University of Groningen was founded in 1614. It is an international oriented research university, belonging to top 100 universities in various influential ranking lists. Several Nobel prize winners are signed under the name of this university.

For more info visit the official web page of the University of Groningen: www.rug.nl/

University of Groningen incorporate the Pharmacy Game, GIMMICS® back in 2000, into the pharmacy curricula. Through the years the game evolved to become a standalone and obligatory course that serves to train the practical skills of students in the 6th/last year of their studies.

©UG, photo: Merel Weijer

The game is played 3 times a year in duration of 25 days. Each game includes about 30 students, divided to manage 5-6 pharmacies. The main learning goals include collaboration and leadership, as well as communication and pharmaceutical expertise.

Publications, news and videos

Spelenderwijs leren: Nederlandse apotheekgame verovert de wereld
Tanja Fens, Claudia Dantuma-Wering, Katja Taxis, Lenneke Minjon, Carline Versteeg, Marianne Verdel, Mandy Crommentuijn-van Rhenen, Elly Zon en Cindy Roelen-Warmendam(2024)
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Skills lab for students: Practising in your own pharmacy
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Practicing your pharmacy skills can be done online (UKRANT.NL; november 2020)

Video on a drug related Science Shop question, answered by GIMMICS students (Dutch; subtitles in English)

Aaldrik Sillius, & Prof. Jos J. van der Werf (2005)
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A new model for teaching Pharmaceutical Care Services Management
Van der Werf et al. (2004)
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Visit us
Monday—Friday: 9:00–17:00

A. Deusinglaan 1
Room 3214-0419
9713 AV Groningen