The Pharmacy Game Newsletter
Forthcoming event:
FREE webinar
Want to play? The added value of a Pharmacy Game as part of the undergraduate curriculum
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
10:00AM CEST | 09:00AM BST| 06:00 PM AEST|05:00PM JST
The webinar will show our experience with pharmacy simulation gaming at the University of Groningen
Apply by sending email before 10 June, 2020 to
Letter from the editors
The Pharmacy Game international team at the University of Groningen is delighted to present you the first edition of the Pharmacy Game Newsletter. This newsletter will be produced 3 times a year.
The aim of the Pharmacy Game Newsletter is to disseminate information and stimulate debate about pharmacy education focusing on simulation and gaming.
In each edition we will: present trends of how to integrate real-life practices in pharmacy education; share experiences from different international users of the Pharmacy Game; present interviews with direct participants of the Pharmacy Game; as well as providing you information about our upcoming events.
With our content we would like to reach out to our pharmacy colleagues and colleagues from allied health profession in higher education and organizations, from all over the world. Please send this newsletter on to colleagues.
Katja Taxis, Claudia Dantuma, Tanja Fens
The Pharmacy Simulation Game

At the University of Groningen, we developed the Pharmacy Game- GIMMICS®, as an innovative tool for training pharmacy students. Students are divided in several teams with each team managing a simulated pharmacy for 5 weeks. At the start of the game, the teams develop a business plan for their pharmacy.
Continue reading...Meet our Pharmacy Game International team from the University of Groningen, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy:

I'm Katja Taxis, Professor of Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Groningen. With my research and teaching I want to contribute to improve the safe use of medicines. The Pharmacy Game is an excellent tool to do this. I am looking forward to enlarging our circle of pharmacy game users and collaborating with more colleagues around the globe on simulation and gaming in pharmacy education.
Continue reading...Interview with Maarten Lambert, GIMMICS® student

Who are you?
My name is Maarten Lambert, I have been studying pharmacy at the University of Groningen for six years by now. I have chosen to study pharmacy to improve the safe use of medicine for patients, either on small scale in public pharmacies or on larger scale through research.
Continue reading...Interview with René Hoogschagen GIMMICS® actor

Who are you?
I'm one of the GIMMICS® actors bringing even more reality to the game and the participants. I'm acting as a patient with a certain condition, coming to the pharmacy or asking questions prepared by the educational team. I also do plays in theatres and street theatre. In daily life I'm writing articles for UKrant, the newsletter of the University of Groningen, and I'm trying to make a name for myself as an author of children’s books.
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