The pharmacy game, GIMMICS Vilnius 2020
By Indrė Trečiokienė
This year, in September, Gimmics was played for a second time at Vilnius University, Lithuania. Although the game started as planed – in four live pharmacies, it was decided to be moved online for the last game-week, due to the rising COVID-19 cases.
Both students and teachers behind the game were challenged. First, the game setting was adjusted and pharmacies were organized to work in shifts. Second, double number of prescriptions and cases were played comparing to last year. Third, with the decision to move the game online, all pharmacies had to introduce online pharmacy services in one day. We used MS Teams platform to play the game online and it worked quite well.
Despite the challenges, the game was fantastic! All teams had lot of fun playing different roles in the pharmacy both live and online. The experience with online pharmacy was valuable as students learned to adopt to rapidly changing situation and provide pharmaceutical care through distance.
In the end we all, student and teachers, finished the game with the strong feeling on need and strength of pharmacist profession and pharmaceutical care. Well done Vilnius University!